Since about 2006, NOAA has given its global surface temperature “anomalies” relative to 20th century (1901 to 2000) average global surface temperatures. NOAA usually up-dates its lists of global temperature anomalies in the middle of each calendar month. NOAA does not maintain a publicly accessible archive of previous editions of its lists of global temperature anomalies.

Published 08/2016. Annual.

Annual global surface temperature anomalies, 1880 to 2015,
Base period, 1901 to 2000.
Add 13.9°C to the anomaly in order to obtain the actual temperature.

Year, Anomaly °C.
1880, -0.1168
1881, -0.0657
1882, -0.0665
1883, -0.1437
1884, -0.2070
1885, -0.2193
1886, -0.2039
1887, -0.2509
1888, -0.1525
1889, -0.1019
1890, -0.3225
1891, -0.2493
1892, -0.3030
1893, -0.3177
1894, -0.2777
1895, -0.2286
1896, -0.0929
1897, -0.1216
1898, -0.2606
1899, -0.1258
1900, -0.0717
1901, -0.1467
1902, -0.2562
1903, -0.3448
1904, -0.4242
1905, -0.2974
1906, -0.2202
1907, -0.3780
1908, -0.4460
1909, -0.4325
1910, -0.3859
1911, -0.4367
1912, -0.3338
1913, -0.3200
1914, -0.1419
1915, -0.0727
1916, -0.2941
1917, -0.3142
1918, -0.2048
1919, -0.2042
1920, -0.2114
1921, -0.1454
1922, -0.2261
1923, -0.2096
1924, -0.2448
1925, -0.1422
1926, -0.0583
1927, -0.1459
1928, -0.1698
1929, -0.2931
1930, -0.0927
1931, -0.0708
1932, -0.1161
1933, -0.2430
1934, -0.1035
1935, -0.1401
1936, -0.1132
1937, -0.0171
1938, -0.0284
1939, -0.0118
1940,  0.0947
1941,  0.1946
1942,  0.1505
1943,  0.1549
1944,  0.2904
1945,  0.1734
1946, -0.0038
1947, -0.0488
1948, -0.0470
1949, -0.0552
1950, -0.1599
1951, -0.0112
1952,  0.0277
1953,  0.0978
1954, -0.1130
1955, -0.1327
1956, -0.1967
1957,  0.0514
1958,  0.1125
1959,  0.0629
1960,  0.0224
1961,  0.0792
1962,  0.0909
1963,  0.1075
1964, -0.1477
1965, -0.0765
1966, -0.0215
1967, -0.0122
1968, -0.0292
1969,  0.0940
1970,  0.0383
1971, -0.0776
1972,  0.0286
1973,  0.1645
1974, -0.0711
1975,  0.0038
1976, -0.0784
1977,  0.1979
1978,  0.1128
1979,  0.2268
1980,  0.2644
1981,  0.3010
1982,  0.1822
1983,  0.3424
1984,  0.1490
1985,  0.1335
1986,  0.2278
1987,  0.3689
1988,  0.3748
1989,  0.2965
1990,  0.4322
1991,  0.4038
1992,  0.2555
1993,  0.2843
1994,  0.3389
1995,  0.4565
1996,  0.3205
1997,  0.5148
1998,  0.6304
1999,  0.4410
2000,  0.4242
2001,  0.5450
2002,  0.6004
2003,  0.6128
2004,  0.5780
2005,  0.6578
2006,  0.6107
2007,  0.6079
2008,  0.5380

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