Since about 2006, NOAA has given its global surface temperature “anomalies” relative to 20th century (1901 to 2000) average global surface temperatures. NOAA usually up-dates its lists of global temperature anomalies in the middle of each calendar month. NOAA does not maintain a publicly accessible archive of previous editions of its lists of global temperature anomalies.

Published 09/2012. Annual.

Annual global surface temperature anomalies, 1880 to 2011.
Base period, 1901 to 2000.
Add 13.9°C to the anomaly in order to obtain the actual annual tempeature.

Year,   Anomaly °C
1880, -0.1637
1881, -0.1114
1882, -0.1269
1883, -0.1768
1884, -0.2375
1885, -0.2095
1886, -0.1911
1887, -0.2640
1888, -0.1771
1889, -0.0973
1890, -0.3116
1891, -0.2784
1892, -0.3144
1893, -0.3541
1894, -0.3126
1895, -0.2516
1896, -0.1102
1897, -0.1526
1898, -0.2825
1899, -0.1635
1900, -0.1193
1901, -0.1780
1902, -0.2660
1903, -0.3559
1904, -0.4174
1905, -0.2963
1906, -0.2460
1907, -0.3870
1908, -0.4337
1909, -0.4369
1910, -0.4187
1911, -0.4416
1912, -0.3856
1913, -0.3534
1914, -0.1914
1915, -0.1127
1916, -0.3122
1917, -0.3456
1918, -0.2418
1919, -0.2613
1920, -0.2360
1921, -0.1676
1922, -0.2561
1923, -0.2336
1924, -0.2284
1925, -0.1593
1926, -0.0643
1927, -0.1311
1928, -0.1331
1929, -0.2535
1930, -0.0629
1931, -0.0372
1932, -0.0569
1933, -0.1995
1934, -0.0549
1935, -0.0859
1936, -0.0596
1937,  0.0519
1938,  0.0803
1939,  0.0659
1940,  0.1114
1941,  0.1634
1942,  0.1162
1943,  0.1120
1944,  0.2205
1945,  0.0919
1946, -0.0428
1947, -0.0434
1948, -0.0549
1949, -0.0681
1950, -0.1579
1951, -0.0016
1952,  0.0413
1953,  0.1183
1954, -0.0954
1955, -0.1117
1956, -0.1704
1957,  0.0708
1958,  0.1218
1959,  0.0785
1960,  0.0291
1961,  0.1057
1962,  0.1323
1963,  0.1504
1964, -0.1139
1965, -0.0485
1966,  0.0094
1967,  0.0246
1968,  0.0119
1969,  0.1167
1970,  0.0710
1971, -0.0288
1972,  0.0580
1973,  0.1931
1974, -0.0509
1975,  0.0188
1976, -0.0743
1977,  0.1790
1978,  0.1001
1979,  0.1867
1980,  0.2307
1981,  0.2724
1982,  0.1533
1983,  0.3179
1984,  0.1266
1985,  0.1078
1986,  0.1969
1987,  0.3296
1988,  0.3409
1989,  0.2657
1990,  0.3995
1991,  0.3771
1992,  0.2349
1993,  0.2644
1994,  0.3257
1995,  0.4486
1996,  0.3178
1997,  0.5116
1998,  0.6307
1999,  0.4529
2000,  0.4277
2001,  0.5495
2002,  0.6116
2003,  0.6203
2004,  0.5756
2005,  0.6474
2006,  0.5926
2007,  0.5866
2008,  0.5085
2009,  0.5928
2010,  0.6558
2011,  0.5341

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